Yet another Spaniard passionate about Quantitative Finance,
Algorithmic Trading, Software Engineering and Digital Signal
Hi there, It's Mo! 👋 I am an extrovert person, adventurous and
wild (or what I think of myself); I like to spend time traveling
and exercising, trying to figure out how to improve myself. I have
been playing rugby & football for years, a significant number of
injuries and fractures can prove it. Nowdays, I mostly spend few
hours at the gym and do some kick-boxing.
As cliché as it may sound, I do love music, I do really love
music, any kind! I'm an active audio-effects creator; Sadly, I am
not a musician but my background in physics and signal processing
allows me to develop my own effects and share them with the
In every tech movie, there's a crazy hacker that can do
everything, right? Those poor reproductions are based on me!
Give me enough time and coffee, a high dose of caffeine, and I
will try to figure out- or invent- anything.
I am a geek enthusiast! I started coding when I got my first PC in
2006. I remember my first C code; it still makes my hair stand on
end. Ever since that moment, I knew I was born to be an engineer.
Nowadays, I hold a BSc & MSc in Telecommunications Engineer from
the University of Granada, Spain.
If you are looking for someone passionate about technology with a
solid background in algorithmic trading, algorithm design,
optimizations, and digital signal processing, someone
enthusiastic, responsible and wishing to develop his skill-set,
you just found him!
I commonly understand and adapt myself to the local conditions and
the working environment, independently but also effectively as
part of a team. I love solving complex problems and working
alongside talented people, as someone said, if you’re the smartest
person in the room, you’re in the wrong place.
I am continuously trying to figure out the best practices and
useful design patterns to develop robust, maintainable and
scalable solutions. I am passionate about electronics and software
engineering, and both are part of my daily hobbies.
I am an active open-source contributor. I have personally been
involved very intimately in projects linked to cutting-edge
technologies by designing robust algorithms related to generic
fields like digital signal processing, positioning systems, big
data analysis, and machine learning.
Have a look into my
GitHub profile to see
some of my projects. Don't be shy, feel free to contact me if you
have any questions.
Design and implementation of a multi-platform application that implements a local positioning system (LPS) based on the Time-Of-Flight of the signal using the sound/ultrasound spectral frequencies.
Design and implementation of an application that process and extracts audio properties in real time for medical usage. The application implements the main generic DSP algorithms to display the different acoustic properties in real time.
eDSP (easy Digital Signal Processing) is a digital signal
processing framework written in modern C++ that implements some
of the common functions and algorithms frequently used in
digital signal processing, audio engineering &
telecommunications systems.
It aims to provide efficient and streamlined base calculations
while at the same time having a straightforward and easy-to-use
interface similar to another numeric language like MATLAB. The
library integrates C++ and Python interfaces and supports
Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOS and Android.
WinToast is a light library written in C++ which brings a
complete integration of the modern toast notifications of
Windows 8 & Windows 10.
Toast notifications allow your app to inform the users about
relevant information and timely events that they should see and
take action upon inside your apps, such as a new instant
message, a new friend request, breaking news, or a calendar